Wednesday 18 October 2017

Mitchell - Writing Explanation (How To Make A Toasted Sandwich)

Hey bloggers! It's me Mitchell again blogging back to you! Today I am going to tell you - How to make the best cheese and onion toasted sandwich! Now, me and my sisters always make toasted sandwiches frequently because we use and own a Toasted Sandwich Maker!
Image result for toasted sandwiches
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Here are the ingredients we use! :

1 loaf of fresh bread!
10 slices of Mozzarella Cheese 
A handful of shredded cheddar cheese
1 bag of appetising brown onions

1 container of fresh Sunrise Butter

We walk down to the local dairy and buy one loaf of fresh dairy bread, along with some smooth fresh sunrise butter, and a bag of appetising onions. It costs around $6.00! When we get home we get out the sandwich maker! We flick off the little blue thing on the bag of the loaf - which has the expiry date, and chuck the bread on a plate!
We then get out the butter knife from the drawers, open the lid of the butter container and slide the butter knife through the thick butter. (a lot of butter).  Anyways we lay the slices of bread inside the sandwich maker and rip open the bag of onions. We get another plate out, a sharp knife and slice the onion into small cubes. Sometimes my mum helps us too!

We spread it along the slices of buttered bread and put a swirl of aioli sauce on the top to make it even tasty! Finally we add a few slices of sliced cheese from the supermarket! Then we close down the lid of the machine and click the button to start. It starts to sizzle and cook on the grill and you can smell the delicious aroma of the sandwiches. After about 3 minutes it should be ready!

Put all sandwiches on a small - sized plate and then it's ready to eat delicious and warm! "Munch" ! goes my mouth as it digs into the sandwich! I hope you get to make a toasted sandwich!

Thanks for reading!
By Mitchell.M

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